"Rebuild Your Credit, Rebuild Your Confidence"
Start-up fee of 99.99. $175 a month for 2-3 months after that 4 months and up to $225.
Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus (Personal info, Collections)
Score Analysis
Score Tracker
Access to Client Portal to track progress
"Elevate Your Credit, Elevate Your Opportunities"
Start-up fee $125. $250 a month for 2-3 months after that, 4 months and up to $275.
Unlimited Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus
Challenges to Collectors (Late Payments and Charge offs)
Score Analysis
Score Tracker
Inquiry Targeting
Access to Client Portal to track progress
Personal info to the challenges to collections.
"Maximize Your Credit, Maximize Your Potential"
Start-up fee of $200. $325 a month up to 6 months after 6 months goes up to $400 and add student loans and foreclosures
Advanced Deletions and Public records (repossessions, bankruptcy, tax liens and judgments, child support etc.)
Unlimited Challenges to the 3 Credit Bureaus
Challenges to Collectors (Late Payments and Charge Offs)
Score Analysis
Score Tracker
Inquiry Targeting
Access to Client Portal to track progress
Each additional bankruptcy is $100/each